Our Lady of Rosary Church, Changai, Kanjiracode,K.K District., Tamilnadu, India.
04651 272719


The Holy Rosary Church at Kanjiracode is situated along side the National High Way 47, 27 kms. from Nagercoil, 3 kms. ahead of Marthandam.

The parish of Kanjiracode has four constituent Churches with independent administration. Two priests cater to the needs of the people. The total area covering the parish is about 22 sq. kms. The Catholic population is 2684. The main parish community of Kanjiracode covers an area of 9 sq. kms. It has 317 Catholic families comprising 1214 members. Of this 44 are government employees, 19 non-govt. employees, 40 self employed workers such as having shops, petty shops, tea stalls. vendors, etc., 29 work in cashew factories and 134 are coolies.

All the children go to school and about 70% students complete std X, and 20% finish graduation and above. Within the parish territory there is a one doctor hospital close to the Church. There is a Govt. Middle school and a Govt. H.S. There are a few Ayurvedic Vaidhyars around the place.

In the parish there are 7 Basic Christian Communities. There is also Parish Pastoral Council and Finance Committee There are 45 children in Little Way Association, 22 adolescents in the YCS both boys and girls and 27 in Youth Movement. There are other Associations like Catholic Action Society, men & women, Legion of Mary for women, Vincent de Paul Society, Associations for Women, for Widows, etc. There are the Choir, Liturgy group, Self help groups, Vilavancode Development Society with small savings. At present the first floor of the existing Community Hall is under construction. The Building Committee is in charge of it. For the past 4 yrs the front half of the community hall had been used as meeting hall and the back half as dining hall. For marriages and other functions the hall is rented out for Rs.3500/- per day.

In the Church campus Marriage Preparation Courses are conducted for two days every week Fridays and Saturdays from 9.30 AM to 5.00 PM. Marriage Information Centre also functions here, where the profiles of the candidates are registered in a form to find matches suitable to them.