Our Lady of Rosary Church, Changai, Kanjiracode,K.K District., Tamilnadu, India.
04651 272719
The Holy Rosary Church at Kanjiracode is one of the 161Parish Churches in the Diocese of Kottar which is in Kanniyakumari District, situated in the southern tip of India. It was started as a place of worship in a thatched shed in 1915. A statue of St. Cure d’ Ars (St. John Maria Vianney) was installed there. Around 1925 some miscreants set fire to the shed, but the statue remained intact. There was an offer of money from abroad for a Church if built in the name of Our Lady of Rosary. Grabbing the opportunity Rev. Fr. Vincent Pereira, the then Parish priest of Palliady under whose jurisdiction did this shed come, built the main body of the Present Church in 1956, the Patron being Our Lady of Rosary. The First Patron then found a place in a shrine near the entrance gate as it is even now, built by Rev. Fr. N.J. George in 1966. From the beginning it was under the parish of Palliady. On Nov.13, 1974, Kanjiracode was constituted as a Parish Church by Bishop M. Arokiasamy at the time of Rev. Fr. Bellarmine Geo. On the same day the parish was entrusted with the Religious Congregation of Indian Missionary Society for ministry and Fr. Sila Nath took charge of the parish as the first Parish Priest. The next Parish Priest Fr. Ruben, in the third year of his tenure i.e. in 1987, built both the wings of the Church. For 28 years the IMS fathers administered the parish. Then on 03-02-2002 the parish was taken over by the Diocese. Since then the diocesan priests are running the parish, starting from Frs. Maria Soosai Vincent, S.Mariadason, John Augustus and presently Fr. Joachim A., from May 2, 2008 on.